What: The 24 Hour Goose
When: Saturday, June 25-26 2016
-8:00 a.m. start, 12 & 24 hour race
-8:00 a.m. start, 24 hour, 2-4 person relay
-8:00 p.m. start, 12 hour night run
Where: Wascana Park, Regina, SK, Start/Finish is in the Marina Parking Lot
Note: All participants MUST be members of the Marathon Matters Club ($15), which provides insurance coverage for its members. No membership, no participation--no exceptions. http://www.marathonmatters.ca/membership
This race is otherwise free, though donations as noted below are strongly suggested. We organize races like this because we want to provide race opportunities for locals, and we want to be able to give back by being involved in the sport we love.
This will be a "fat-ass style race", meaning that you are responsible for keeping track of your progress and for your own support during the event (e.g., water, energy drink, etc.). Between us and other volunteers some water & food may be available, but do not count on us for any of your needs. It'll be a nice surprise if there's something... and our running community has always been generous with donating food and drink... We also plan to have some volunteers available to help over the course of the event, but keep in mind that this is intended as a low-key race. Racers should expect to keep track of their own laps (see below), but we do intend to have volunteers to help with this task.
We've designated this as a 12/24 hour race, but realize that some people will want to run/walk for less time or for a longer period. No problem! You can run/walk for as much or little as you wish.
There is no registration fee, but we ask that you donate in support of The Pack Project, a Regina based animal rescue and support group. This group does incredible work to support rescues across the province by distributing food and supplies. Last summer, for example, during the forest fires up north they collected and distributed thousands of pounds of food for dogs and cats left behind. You may donate directly to The Pack Project (http://www.thepackproject.ca/donations.html) or bring supplies (food, toys, or other items) and/or money to the race for us to drop off for you. If you donate to them directly, please send them an email to tell them you donated as part of our race so that we can keep track of our impact: thepackprojectvolunteers@hotmail.com; copy us as well: ceriegel@yahoo.ca.
Over the last few years, our runners have donated hundreds of pounds of dog and cat food as well as numerous toys, bones, and treats which were donated to the Regina Humane Society and The Pack Project.
Thanks to all the generous donations from participants of past races for the generous donations that we've collected through this informal series!!
All runners must register. We are only allowing 50 runners on course at one time, so spots will be limited.
1. Start and finish times are as follows:
-the day-time 12 hour race will start at 8:00 a.m. on June 25th, 2016, and end at 8:00 p.m.
-the 24 hour race, and 24 hour 2-4 person relay, will start at 8:00 a.m. on June 25th and end at 8:00 a.m. on June 26th, 2016
-the 12 hour night race will start at 8:00 p.m. on June 25th, 2016, and end at 8:00 a.m. on June 26th, 2016
2. The 24 hour relay allows 2-4 people to complete as many laps as they can or wish. Only one racer per team allowed on course at one time.
3. We will provide a briefing at 7:45 a.m. so that we are all clear on the course as well as lap and time counting procedures.
4. The course is expected to be a 4 k.m. flat paved course. Details will be available as soon as we have our permit in hand.
5. This will be a primarily self-supported event.
6. We expect to have bathrooms available that are located approximately 75 metres from the start/finish line.
7. This is a timed race. You are free to run or walk as many or few laps as you wish and you are free to leave the course so long as you rejoin where you left off. It is not uncommon for people in longer races like this to take breaks when needed.
8. Prior to the race start, you will be assigned a number to help keep track of laps completed and your name and number will be noted on the lap counting and timing sheet. This sheet will be kept at the start/finish line: it is your responsibility to keep track of your laps--check off each lap as you pass the start/finish line. If we have sufficient volunteers, we will assist with lap counting.
9. We will ask you to sign a simple waiver of liability prior to the start. The race is being conducted primarily on paths open to the public so please ensure that you are aware of the others around you, be they on foot, bike, or other.
10. Pacers are allowed for 24 hour racers starting at 8:00 p.m.
We look forward to seeing you out there! The Goose Bumps: Chris Riegel, Katherine Robinson, Jen Ruland, Jon Paradowski, Cari Bode Watson